Tuesday, 16 September 2008

a day in little west yorkshire

You must think that all went well for our buka puasa yesterday. Today is the 17th day of Ramadan. I am quite a happy and content woman coz I managed to create my own blog (it is A big deal to me) and I am also now a proud owner of a Friendster too. Tu lah, asyik tengok je Blog dengan Friendster sendiri je berulang-ulang kali (syok sendiri nampaknya).

And guess what, so far, the viewers of my blog are my two cousins, Anim and Elly and my good friend Rizal. Heee...heee..thanks guys for your support.

Talking about buka puasa semalam, all three of us (me, hubby and Fawwaz) went to buka puasa at Shimla Kebab House at Great Horton Road. I got to know about Shimla from a new friend name Liza. She did her PhD in Bradford University years ago so when she came back to UK recently she told me about this particular restaurant.

I have to admit the food was good and the services were also ok. But I noticed my better half was quite unconfortable each time we dined out in Shimla (tak banyak kali datangpun, yang masuk semalam baru dua kali). Guess what, he couldnt stand at all the background music in the dining area which was too loud and at to one extend both of us were feeling quite giddy and sick. Imagine just listening to the music can make you feel sick!

I am fan to any music genre and actually I dont really discriminate any kind of music at all (including keronchong and dangdut) but yesterday incident was quite a traumatic one. The loudness and the music itself were quite extreme, sort like a mixture of worshipping, hollowing cry and extreme crying for something at the same time.

I couldnt understand a word of course, it was either in Urdu or Hindustani language. But, I could guesslah. Must be some sort of nasyid song, tapi ini jenis berpuntal-puntal dengan sita as background dan at one part the singer dah terjerit-jerit macam ayam kena sembelih, menggelupur-gelupur tapi belum mati.

Sementara nak menunggu waktu berbuka tu, both me and hubby dah mula rasa mual dan nak muntah gila. Masing-masing dah pusing-pusing tengkuk tapi ironynya orang sekeliling kita langsung takda benda. Tak terjejas sikitpun langsung dik lagu tu. The song kept winding on and on until the waiter came and served our first course - samosa sayur.

I guess in any other surroundings both of us could finish easily and sapu bersih four pieces of samosas in one gulp but in yesterday incident, nak habis satu pun dah terketar-ketar. Then the second course datang, roti nan dengan karahi ayam...aku dah mula tension sebab langsung tak boleh masuk. Fawwaz bila dah boring mulalah merapu, dah start main gelas, ketuk pinggan dengan sudu garpu. Dan seperti biasa angin akupun terus berpusing jadi tak baik.

Akhirnya, both me and my husband serentak cakap, "kita balik rumah jom". Both mutually agreed that my hubby should pay the bill as soon as possible (hehehehe..on him tha's the most important think) and tapau the rest of the food and kita orang sambung balik makan kat rumah.

Belum sempat angkat kepala nak panggil waiter, adalah dalam lat dua tiga meja sebelah tetiba dah mula terjerit-jerit dan mula saling tolak-menolak. Apahal lak, rupanya gaduh.... Gaduh? Yup, gaduh antara si patron dengan si waiter. Asalnya terlanggar lepas tu masing-masing berlawan cakap lepas tu dah start cuit-cuit badan, lepas tu dah start tunjal-tunjal kepala lepas tu dah lawan nak bertumbuk pulak - cik ling yang ada kat sini ni memang Drama Queen.

Apa lagi...gaduh! Gaduh lah! Aku pun tumpang seronok juga nak tengok orang gaduh sebab dah lama juga tak gaduh ni. Adraneline kita ni bila sesekali pumping vigorously akan membuatkan badan kita hangat dan kita jadi excited. I was sooo verrryy...excited until I didnt realised that I changed the position of my chair just to see those two idiots fight.

Bagus gak. Baguslah, gaduh! gaduh! Apa lagi, jangan cakap banyak, hentak je...berentaplah kalau terror. Lama juga aku tak jadi penonton rancangan wrestling atau boxing secara langsung secara percuma. Lagi menarik bila yang bergaduh satu badan tegap dalam tinggi 6 kaki lebih yang si waiter pulak kudut je, tapi sebab masing-masing hangat hati punya pasal, nak berentap jugak.

Bila dah tension keadaan tu, dah mula tolak dua tiga meja sekeliling, manager restoran dengan patron lain semua bangun dan leraikan. Sekali lagi ironi, music background yang membingitkan telinga dan memusing kepala kami berdua pun serta merta terus berhenti. Ah lega.....

Reda je keadaan, tak banyak cakap hubby terus capai coat kami anak beranak, tarik tangan aku dengan tangan anak dan tolak kami berdua keluar dari pintu depan kedai dan blah as soon as possible. Kapussshhh....Tapi aku masih lagi tak puas hati sebab tak sempat tengok apa kesudahan drama gaduh cik ling yang berendap berdua tu.
OK, this is the best part. Semua cost untuk kami bertiga anak beranak makan for a plate of Chicken Beriani, tiga keping roti nan, dua jenis karahi, satu jug manggo lassi plus services and iritating free musical interlude and free boxing cum wrestling programme semalam = 31.45 (in Pound Sterling).

Tak berbaloi!!!!

Sampai rumah, Afifi dengan nafas panjang cakap, "No more dining out for buka puasa at Shamla. Makan kat rumah lagi selesa dan jimat gila and no more being a free spectator kalau orang bergaduh,". I seconded him - he was right for the first and the second point because as usual he will always right in all time. That's my hubby. Tapi I didnt agree on his third part of his statement.

I wonder, why is it I didnt feel satisfied. Did those two idiots really gaduh betul-betul, agaknya siapa yang menang. Ntahlah paling tidakpun agaknya tak gaduh langsung.

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About Me

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I have so many interests. I love reading, I love compiling old Malay recipes and experimenting them through cooking. I adore my baby and I love spending time with my other half despite I see him everyday. I love humming because I strongly believe it is good for my soul. I feel so complete when I gave birth to my baby boy. I am blessed and so fortunate to be given a chance to be a mother, a daughter, a wife and a sister to somebody. Despite losing my individual identity when I agreed to say 'I do', Never in seconds ever I doubt, begrudged or regrets having all that. Will always love my mum and my dad till I die.