Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Time to move on....

Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang betul-betul berani melepaskan 'barangan' milik kegemaran kita bila masanya sudah tiba untuk berbuat demikian.

'Barangan' yang saya maksudkan bukan membawa maksud material items such as pakaian, kasut, buku atau kereta, tetapi ia lebih kepada sentimental items yang menjadi sebahagian besar daripada kehidupan dan tentunya kenangan dalam hidup kita.

These so call sentimental items can be our friendship with friends, relationship with in-laws or out-laws...ikatan perkahwinan, ikatan persaudaraan dan ikatan kasih sayang seorang ibu kepada seorang anak yang pelbagai-bagai peringkat usia yang berbeza.

Baru-baru ini, saya seperti dikejutkan daripada lamunan, apabila anak tunggal saya mengambil keputusan untuk tidur berasingan. Fawwaz baru mencecah usia 4 tahun 6 bulan pada 16 Januari lalu. Sedangkan saya sebenarnya belum bersedia 'melepaskan' dia dalam usia semuda itu.

Paling mengejutkan apabila keputusan berkenaan dibuat tanpa pengetahuan dan persetujuan daripada saya. Seingat saya, sejak saya diberi peluang untuk 'bersama kembali' dengan Fawwaz apabila saya dibenarkan untuk berpindah ke Alor Setar, Kedah pada 25 Disember 2005, saya tidak pernah berenggang tidur dengan Fawwaz.

Saya dan suami sebelum ini juga sering membincangkan kebarangkalian 'memindahkan' Fawwaz ke bilik tidurnya sendiri bila tiba masa yang sesuai, namun apabila ia berlaku, saya adalah orang yang paling terkejut. Yang empunya diri membuat keputusan berkenaan tanpa dipaksa-paksa, malah lebih awal daripada tempoh yang dijangka.

It just happened like that. It happended three day ago while Afifi was in mid of tranferring the VCD and the video player plus the TV set to the next room (of course with Fawwaz's help) and suddenly Fawwaz said that he wanted to have his own room and he was ready to sleep on his own bed - alone. And that night, we slept seperately in different beds and bedrooms for the very first time after more than 37 months sleeping together.

Saya terbungkam. Semalaman saya tidak boleh lena dan setiap 45 minit, saya akan ke toilet (alasan sebab toilet sebenarnya just next to Fawwaz's room) just to make sure everything is ok. Memang dia ok, tiada lagi igauan dan tangisan malam. Fawwaz tidur lena selena-lenanya sehingga keesokan pagi.

The bond between a mother and her son will always exist eternally...that is something that I am very sure between me and Fawwaz, insyaAllah. Tetapi on my selfish thoughts, I was bitter bcoz he didn't discussed his decision with me.

I thought being very close to him all the time, he would dicsuss that matter with me, his Mummy. Instead, he decided to refered that matter to my hubby - his Daddy. Then, I realised there are times when a son needs his Father to deal on certain issues in his life. It is time for me to move on...


Hanita Hassan said...

Salam Sis,

Mother is always reacting like that.

No matter what, one day you’ll have to let him go and stand on his own.

Life is like that as it is nature in life cycle. Though you feel so uncomfortable, but believe me you will get use of the situation. Time will tell.


intheocean said...

Hello Mrs Norris, what's the weather like today?

Love this post!

Fawwaz sounds like a mature young man. and making such big decision that we adults hesitate is a show of a decisive, thinking mind, maybe a take-charge kinda man in the making? love that character in a man! nurture it.


About Me

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I have so many interests. I love reading, I love compiling old Malay recipes and experimenting them through cooking. I adore my baby and I love spending time with my other half despite I see him everyday. I love humming because I strongly believe it is good for my soul. I feel so complete when I gave birth to my baby boy. I am blessed and so fortunate to be given a chance to be a mother, a daughter, a wife and a sister to somebody. Despite losing my individual identity when I agreed to say 'I do', Never in seconds ever I doubt, begrudged or regrets having all that. Will always love my mum and my dad till I die.