Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Tiada yang mustahil dalam hidup. Bila hilang keseimbangan dalam diri tapi masih tega dan bertawakal pada-Nya, insyaAllah keseimbangan akan muncul kembali tanpa dipaksa-paksa. Terus berdoa dan bertawakal, semua akan kembali sedia kala.


Anonymous said...

Intansurullaha yansurkum yusabit aqdakamukm
Jika kamu menolong Allah, Allah akan menolong kamu dan menguatkan pendirian kamu -al-ayah

Anonymous said...

salam kembara

About Me

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I have so many interests. I love reading, I love compiling old Malay recipes and experimenting them through cooking. I adore my baby and I love spending time with my other half despite I see him everyday. I love humming because I strongly believe it is good for my soul. I feel so complete when I gave birth to my baby boy. I am blessed and so fortunate to be given a chance to be a mother, a daughter, a wife and a sister to somebody. Despite losing my individual identity when I agreed to say 'I do', Never in seconds ever I doubt, begrudged or regrets having all that. Will always love my mum and my dad till I die.